Contemporary Art

GERRY JOE WEISE has been experimenting in Contemporary Art since the late 1970's. His artwork concerns different cultures, mythology, nature, the Universe and the Cosmos. A body of work enabling him to become an universal artist, using many different mediums : canvas, wood, bark, earth, metal, stone, glass, plastic, photography, writing, etc... This has been Gerry Joe Weise's main vocation in achieving a statement about the Universe. Ludovic Gibsson (Essay)

Gerry Joe Weise is interested in the dimension of life that surpasses traditional urban life. His more external approach juxtaposed with space and movement, is enticed by energy and creation, and more fundamentally, is guiding his artistic research through guidelines set up in response to them, rather than following 'trendy' patterns. He has developed a whole body of theory, which evolves around the notion of rhythm. Here he has created a symbolic universe of his own. Andrew Nuti (Art Line)

A native of Sydney, Gerry Joe Weise moved to Europe in 1980 at the age of 20. In the later 1980's, through his friendship with Jean-Marie LeSidaner (international French poet and writer), he was invited to poet meetings, happenings and performances, like the 1989 Arthur Rimbaud Poetry Festival in France. His poetic Nightscapes are a new private cosmos that opens up before us in a view, a panorama of nightly delights, under pressure from mortal life on a gravity-bound planet; but still offers us an escape. Jan Rubin (Riveting Nightscapes)

Gerry Joe Weise wants to be an univeral artist, an ambition justified by this Australian artist. One can see this in his Ground Paintings (pigments on natural earth), which he creates on the floor in some of his installation exhibitions. Where we have the reaction of being witnesses to an unknown ritual, of which we were summoned to the assembly. Jean-Marie LeSidaner (Artension) 

The gradual deformations of images juxtaposed to form pictures no longer controlled by the Earth's gravity, sometimes creating a central void, where the viewer is drawn into the image, sometimes turning the viewer upon his head. The viewer feels like an outsider in front of the image, as if nature has left out mankind. Morton Fielding (Nature versus Gravity)

The New Nature and New Realities series, are a departure from the common concerns of today. In that they are not concerned with, and go beyond the immediate surroundings of which we inhabit. The representation of symbolical forms are partially stated. In actuality, they are only impressions, as the human mind always compares to what is already familiar. The symbolical ideas are assigned to act out our feelings from the subconscious, our inner selves, even though they transcend the heavens and are beyond a million light years away. Gerry Joe Weise (Statement)